Biking and Playing Radio (NEQP 2018)

On Sunday, May 6th, 2018 I rode my bicycle to a construction site with a good location for working portable. I set up my SOTABEAMS dipole and used my YouKits HB1B Mk III to make some contacts. The New England QSO Party event was being held that weekend and I worked 6 stations in a fairly short time.

It seemed like the sidetone of my HB1B devolved into lots of clicks and very little tone after a while. Not sure why but it was annoying. A great day for ham radio!

Propagation Prediction with

Sure, you can turn on your radio and spin the dial to see who you can hear right now.  But, WHO SHOULD YOU BE ABLE TO HEAR?

The website is an amazing tool. Use it to find out who should be able to hear you right now. Want to know the best band and time of day to contact a certain location (or DXpedition)? Watch this video and you’ll never play radio in-the-dark again.