Category Archives: CW

CQ WW WPX CW Contest – May 25th, 2019

In this video, I get a chance to talk a little philosophy while driving to a local park. I then set up my Mountain Topper and SOTABEAMS dipole and work 11 stations… 8 of which were 5,000+ miles away! This will show you that a tiny, battery-powered radio can produce excellent results and allow you to have a ton of fun.


Gear seen in this video:

MTR-5B HF radio:…

3Ah lithium ion battery:…

Mini Speaker:…

Palm Mini Paddle – no longer available

Zoom H6 Audio Recorder:…

GoPro Hero7 Black camera:…

2″ Drive-On Mast Mount:

Green 33′ fiberglass telescopic mast:

Why You Should Join the SKCC

In this video, I tell you why you should join the Straight Key Century Club. It’s a great place to have contacts with other Morse Code people who aren’t speed demons! This is a great group of guys who like to use Straight Keys and the speed is usually somewhere between 12 to 17 wpm. So, for anyone who’s just learned Morse Code, this is a great place to get your feet wet! Join the SKCC at

The video also includes Bonus Footage that shows my office and gear used to shoot this video.

QCX 3D Printed Case – by W4MHZ

After I built my 40m QCX transceiver, I needed a case.  I stumbled across a 3D printed case made by Mike Erskine (W4MHZ).  I wrote to Mike, asking him how to purchase one of his cases.  To my surprise, he sent me one for free, thanking me for my videos in the process!

Here’s a photo of my QCX in the W4MHZ case.  I used my sidecutters to make a couple of little nibbles in the plastic to make mine fit perfectly.

I’m very happy with it!

Mike is only charging $20 plus $5 shipping.  This is a good price.  If I had taken the time to design and 3D print my own case, I would have spent a lot of time and used up a lot of filament.  $25 is a bargain.

To get yours, contact Mike via email at:

Biking and Playing Radio (NEQP 2018)

On Sunday, May 6th, 2018 I rode my bicycle to a construction site with a good location for working portable. I set up my SOTABEAMS dipole and used my YouKits HB1B Mk III to make some contacts. The New England QSO Party event was being held that weekend and I worked 6 stations in a fairly short time.

It seemed like the sidetone of my HB1B devolved into lots of clicks and very little tone after a while. Not sure why but it was annoying. A great day for ham radio!

Easter Island on 5 Watts (from St. John USVI)

I’m on vacation for a couple of weeks. I brought my KX2 to the Caribbean and made this quick video to show you my contact with Easter Island. I also show you my setup – which includes an unusual antenna. I hope to make many more contacts, as time (and the wife) permits! – Cliff

For more info on the antenna… see Page 9 of this manual…