I finished building the 40 meter version of the Oak Hills Research 100A QRP transceiver. I also added the internal keyer.
In this video, I share my final thoughts about the build and the radio.
Summary: It’s a great radio and I encourage you to build one. The documentation could use some tweaking to make it easier to understand a few of the more confusing steps. However, I built it without help and it worked right out of the gate. If I can do it, you can do it!
Good stuff!. Hope you do a video later of the rig in action. That must have been frustrating to reheat all the joints , but a least you were able to get there in the end. I built a K1 and K2 and their instructions are great. And if you have any questions the reflector is a great source.
Keep the videos coming
Hello, Don.
I really should do a video of the OHR 100A in action. I finished it last night and the bands were absolutely dead. I’ll have to make that video soon.
A few years ago, I built an Elecraft K1. It was a pleasure to build and I still enjoy the rig. Congrats on building the K2. That’s a pretty serious commitment!
I love me some Elecraft!