Tag Archives: elecraft

SSB QRP during the CQ WW WPX Contest

This weekend I worked some SSB QRP on the hill at Bobcat Ridge. I don’t do a lot of voice-mode QRP since it’s less efficient than CW or one of the Digital modes. Still, I did make several 2,000 mile contacts while running only 5 watts from my Elecraft KX2. The antenna was a SOTABEAMS dipole. All contacts were made on the 20m band.

What you DON’T see in this video are the many, many times I answered someone’s CQ only to have them not hear me at all. This is just how it is when working QRP voice-mode – especially in a contest when the station calling CQ has other stations overlapping their calling frequency. The QRM from other operators makes it harder to pick out a weak signal.

SOTA Fail on Pike’s Peak

My son (Chris W4CBB) and I took our motorcycles to New Mexico and Colorado. It was an epic, father/son motorcycle adventure!

I took my KX2 with me in order to attempt a SOTA activation on Pikes Peak. Unfortunately, we had to abort due to weather. But, it’s just as well because my brain wasn’t working right in the thin atmosphere. I was sloppy and couldn’t think clearly. I’ve never been at that altitude before! Very interesting.

I worked Gary (W0MNA) but other signals were weak. The weak signals, coupled with my weak brain, and the sketchy weather made for a failed outing. We packed it up after Chris saw a lightning bolt.

What a fantastic vacation we had! I wish I had a better video for you but maybe this will be helpful to someone who anticipates activating Pikes Peak someday.


Four Days In May – 2016

I recently returned from the Four Days In May QRP event in Dayton, OH. Here are some thoughts on the fun of meeting QRP rock stars, seeing the debut of the Elecraft KX2, and hanging out with like-minded QRP Nerds.  I also share a couple of interesting QRP contacts.

Bottom Line: Plan to attend FDIM next year!

QRP ARCI: http://http://www.qrparci.org/
Elecraft KX2: http://www.elecraft.com
Steve WG0AT: https://www.youtube.com/user/goathiker
QRPMe: http://qrpme.com

QRP bike ride…

One of my favorite things to do in ham radio is to take a QRP rig with me on a bike ride. I’ve got several places where I go on my bicycle and set up a station.

This evening, I rode to one of my favorite spots and worked K2H (VA) and N4LB (TX) before packing it back up and heading home.

I used my Elecraft KX3 with a Sotabeams 20m/40m linked dipole antenna.


My bike with a portable camp chair and my radio gear stuffed into a pannier.


Here’s what it looked like after setup.  The antenna was hoisted up into a tree and tied off to the handlebars of my bike.  The KX3 has a Begali Adventure attached… what a fun combo!